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初級 Pega Platform 8.4 データ統合 日本語


GoGoRoadのプログラム マネージャーは、サービスの遅延がないように、コールセンターのスタッフ数を適切なレベルに保ちたいと考えています。 プロジェクト マネージャーは、このニーズに対応するために、アシスタンス リクエスト ケースの量を曜日で追跡することができるレポートが必要です。 このレポート要件を満たすために、特定の.pxCreateDateTime値の曜日を判断するデータトランスフォームを作成して、顧客または顧客サービスの担当者がアシスタンスリクエストケースを作成するときに、このデータトランスフォームを「pyDefault」から呼び出して、各ケースに曜日が追加されるようにします。


ロール オペレーター ID パスワード
アプリケーションデベロッパー author@gogoroad pega123!



チャレンジ ウォークスルー


1 Create properties for the Service Day and Service Day of Week

  1. In Dev Studio, from the Navigation pane, click App.
  2. Expand AssistanceRequest > Data Model.
  3. Right-click Property, and then click Create.
  4. In the Label field, enter Service Day.
  5. Click Create and open.
  6. To the right of Text, click change to modify the property type.
    Change link on a property form
  7. Click Integer to change the property type to Integer.
  8. Click Save to save the Service Day property.
  9. Repeat steps 3-5 to create a property named Service Day of Week. Set the Property type to Text.
  10. Click Save to save the Service Day of Week property.

2 Create the Set Day of Week data transform

  1. From the App Explorer, expand AssistanceRequest > Data Model.
  2. Right-click Data Transform, and then click Create.
  3. In the Label field, enter Set Day of Week.
  4. Click Create and open.
  5. In the first line of the data transform, set .ServiceDay equal to @weekday(.pxCreateDateTime) to calculate an integer value for each day of the week.
    The first line of the SetDayofWeek data transform
  6. Click Add a row.
  7. In the second line of the data transform, set .ServiceDayOfWeek equal to @if(.ServiceDay=1,"Sunday", @if(.ServiceDay=2,"Monday", @if(.ServiceDay=3,"Tuesday", @if(.ServiceDay=4,"Wednesday", @if(.ServiceDay=5, "Thursday", @if(.ServiceDay=6, "Friday","Saturday")))))) to associate each Service Day integer value with a day of the week.
    The second line of the SetDayofWeek data transform
  8. Click Save.

3 Call Set Day of Week data transform in .pyDefault

  1. From the App Explorer, expand AssistanceRequest > Data Model > Data Transform, and then click pyDefault to open the pyDefault data transform.
    補足: If you do not see pyDefault, refresh the App Explorer by clicking Options > Refresh App Explorer.
  2. Click Add a row.
  3. From the Action drop-down, select Apply Data Transform.
  4. In the Target field, enter or select SetDayOfWeek.
    pyDefault with the SetDayOfWeek data transform applied
  5. Click Save to save your changes to the new version of pyDefault.

4 Confirm your work

  1. From the Create menu, create a new Assistance Request case.
  2. Advance past the Create view.
  3. Click the Clipboard to open the Clipboard tool.
  4. Ensure that the selected Thread matches the Case ID of the current case instance.
  5. Click pyWorkPage.
  6. Ensure that the ServiceDayOfWeek value matches the current day of the week, which is the day the case was created.
    Clipboard shows the ServiceDayOfWeek value matches the current day of the week


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