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Background process management

Background process management

Queue processors and job schedulers can fail to process items correctly for a number of reasons. For example, the processes are unable to obtain a lock on an entry because the processes lack security access or an activity or a related class is named incorrectly.

Queue processors queue objects and then process them. As shown in the following image, if the process fails and the system cannot commit a queue entry, the system puts the entry into failure status and indicates the process is broken. The system also reverses any changes the process initiated.


In Admin Studio, you use the Queue processor landing page to trace and monitor Queue Processor rules in your application. If there is an error, users with the SysAdmin4 role can troubleshoot issues with the queue processor by tracing the running processes and examining the items in the Broken queue.

The job scheduler triggers items to process at pre-configured times. The job scheduler does not queue items. To troubleshoot issues with job scheduler processes, you can run a trace on the failing processes. You can also configure the Performance tool to manage statistic aggregation for job scheduler rules. For more information on configuring the performance tool for job scheduler statistics, see the help topic Configuring the Performance tool for Job Scheduler rules.

Admin Studio: Overview landing page

The Overview landing page of Admin Studio contains information that you need to monitor queues. As shown in the following image, you can access system and node classification details, queue processors and scheduled jobs. Each tile lists the number of configured instances. For example, the Queue processors tile shows that there are 15 queue processors and all activities are running. There are no broken processors. Clicking each tile opens the corresponding landing page.

Admin Studio Dashboard

Queue processors and job schedulers must be enabled in the system. If you do not see a queue processor or job scheduler in Admin Studio, you may have to enable the system to find it. You set the system runtime context by configuring the application record and enabling the Include application in background processing option (Advanced section of the Definition tab). At that time, you can monitor the queue processor or job scheduler from Admin Studio.

Examine processors

Tracing of queue processor rules

You can use the Queue processors page to trace, start, and stop queue processors. Tracing processes enables you to examine issues, such as failed activity steps, that may prevent the processor from committing an entry. You can trace processing throughout the system. You can trace a processor only while it is running. You can analyze the results of tracing to identify and fix issues with queue processor rules.

Hinweis: You must specify the activity to use when tracing the standard queue processor.

 Data Flow

On the Queue processors page, you can view advanced statistics on each queue processor by viewing the data flow.

The following image shows the data flow for the pyBatchIndexProcessor. Click the + icons to learn more about the components displayed in the data flow.

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