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Configuring page, page group, and page list properties

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To provide complete data for your cases, define properties that store related information in a form of a page, page group, or page list. By providing properties of a page type, you organize data in your application in a logical way, and as a result, improve application development and speed up case resolution.

When you create single page and page list properties, you also define how your application sources data for the properties. To save time, you can configure your application to refer to a data page or to copy data from a data page while providing values for properties. For greater flexibility, you can also allow users to provide values manually.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create Data Model Property .
  2. In the Label field, enter a short description for the property.
  3. Optional: To manually set the name key part of your record to a value that is different from the default, in the Identifier field, click Edit, and then update the name.
    The default value of this field is To be determined. The system automatically populates the field with a read-only value based on the sentence that you enter in the Label field. The system ignores spaces and special characters.
  4. In the Context section, select the application layer in which you want to store the record.
  5. In the Apply to field, select the class to which this record applies.
  6. In the Add to ruleset field, select the name and version number of a ruleset to contain the record.
  7. Click Create and open.
  8. On the General tab of the property form, in the Property type section, click Change, and then define a property type:
    • To create a page, click Single Page.

      Single pages contain embedded pages as values. For example, you can create a single page that stores information about a user that creates a case, such as a user ID and an email address.

    • To create a page group, click Page Group.

      Page group properties contain unordered groups of embedded pages. For example, you can create a page group that stores information about work parties, and each embedded page stores information about one work party, such as a customer or a worker.

    • To create a page list, click Page List.

      Page list properties contain ordered lists of embedded pages. For example, you can create a page list that store multiple addresses of a customer.

  9. In the Page definition field, enter a page class.
    The page definition stores information about what is the class of each page in this list. When you provide the page definition, the system determines what fields each page has or what rules the system can use on pages in this list.
  10. If you configure a single page or page list property, in the Data access section, define how property sources values:
    Choices Actions
    Users provide data manually at run time Select Manual.
    Property refers to a data page
    1. Select Refer to a data page.
    2. Optional: If you configure a PageList, to retrieve each embedded page in the PageList separately, select the Load each page in this page list individually check box.
    3. In the Data Page field, enter a data page that stores values to refer.
    Property copies data from a data page
    1. Select Copy data from a data page.
    2. Optional: If you configure a PageList, to retrieve each embedded page in the PageList separately, select the Load each page in this page list individually check box.
    3. In the Data Page field, enter a data page that stores values to copy.
    4. Optional: To copy only selected information from the data page, in the Optional Data Mapping field, enter a data transform that determines what information the system copies.
  11. Click Save.

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