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Adding common phrases


Common phrases allow customer service administrators to define the preconfigured messages that customer service representatives (CSRs) can use during live interactions with customers. Common phrases decrease the time needed for CSRs to respond to customer questions and provide a consistent customer experience.



This demonstration shows you how to add a common phrase and how to use the added phrase during an interaction with a customer.

U+ Bank, a retail bank, wants to add a set of common phrases that customer service representatives can use during a live chat interaction with customers. The bank first wants to add a common phrase that the CSRs can select to welcome customers at the start of a conversation.

To implement this business requirement, log in to App Studio as a Customer Service Administrator and then click Settings > Chat and messaging > Common phrases to open the list of common phrases.

Chat and messaging

You use the Enable character-based quick navigation option to enable a character-based common phrase search. The Launch character(s) option then displays a list of special characters, from which you can select a launch character that will trigger a list of categories and common phrases in the live Interaction.

For example, In the Interaction Portal, when a CSR enters two slashes (//) in the text area, the system displays the common phrases menu. When a CSR enters two slashes followed by a letter in the text area, the system displays a list of matching categories, phrases, and the text of the phrases.

Common phrases

On the Common phrases landing page, you can either add a new common phrase or edit an existing common phrase. You can also either edit the existing categories or create a new category by clicking Edit categories. You also have the option to import or export common phases.

Add phrase

Let's add a new common phrase to welcome customers. Provide a short name for the phrase. During an interaction, the CSR sees only this short name, so it must help them determine which common phrase they want to select.

Now, select the category to which this common phrase applies. The categories are used to group common phrases. This enables the CSR to select an appropriate category and response from the list quickly. Here, select the Phrase category, Greeting.

You can also select which language this phrase is appropriate for use with. In this case, select English.

Then select whether this phrase should be available to Chat, Email, or ALL. In this scenario, you want to restrict the phrase to chat and messaging interactions only, so select Chat.

Finally, enter the Phrase text that can be further inserted when the CSR selects the common phrase in a conversation.

Edit phrase

Optional: Train the Augmented Agent when to suggest this common phrase to a CSR by configuring the Seed customer utterances option. You can add any phrases or questions that the customer might ask by clicking Add utterance. When a customer uses that phrase in the interaction, the augmented agent will suggest a response or phrase to the CSR. For example, "I need your help".

Save your changes to the newly added phrase.

Making the agent available in the Interaction portal

Now that you have added a common phrase, let's see how to make it available in the interaction portal.

Log in to the Interaction Portal as a Customer Service Representative. In the header, click the Chat icon to make the agent available.

Interaction portal

You can now select one or more queues from which to receive requests that are specific to those categories, by clicking Manage queues. In this scenario, select all of the queues to receive various requests from customers, then save your changes to make the CSR join the queues.

Manage queues

Click Make me available to enable agent availability for a live conversation with customers.

Make an agent available

Starting a conversation with a CSR

Now, on the U+ Bank website, log in as Sara. Start a conversation by entering chat with agent in the chat window to trigger the service case.

U Bank chat widget

Select the option you need help with.

U Bank chat conversation with bot

A chat request comes to the CSR. Accept the call to continue the conversation with the customer.

Incoming Web messaging conversation

Viewing all the common phrases

To view the added common phrase, click Phrases. CSRs can select the Greetings category to see the newly added welcome phrase, which they can then insert during live interactions, to make their life easier.

Welcome phrase

You can also view the common phrases menu by entering the launch characters // that you set before.

Launch character

This demonstration has concluded. What did it show you?

  • How to add common phrases
  • How to insert common phrases during a live conversation

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