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Application roles and access groups

Every user (operator) of an application has a defined persona (user role) for processing cases. Applications typically allow some groups of users to create and process cases and other groups of users to approve or reject those cases.

For example, in an application for managing purchase requests, any user can submit a purchase request, but only department managers can approve purchase requests. Every group of users has specific responsibilities and plays a particular role (persona) in processing and resolving the case.

The following figure illustrates a manager persona accessing a manager portal on the left and a non-manager persona on the right, trying to access the same manager portal. The manager persona on the left can access the portal, while the non-manager persona on the right cannot view the page. 



Access roles design considerations

An access role identifies a job position or responsibility for an application. For example, an access role can define the capabilities of a loan officer or a call center supervisor. The system grants users specific capabilities, such as modifying instances of a certain class, based on the access roles in the access group in use.

Before you create access roles for your application, assess the role-based access control needs for the application to determine how many distinct access roles you need. Also, determine what to name every access role to describe the authorization for each grant. An access role defines what its holder can do in the application.

For example, an access role might represent the actions that a manager, fulfillment operator, clerical worker, or auditor can perform. A given user can hold multiple access roles at once. The collection of access roles of a user acts as a group of capabilities and represents the set of actions that the user can perform. For example, fulfillment operators might have access to open customer order records, while managers might have access to open and modify customer order records.

In the following scenario, a Lead System Architect (LSA) has the following three access role design options to fulfill the access control needs of fulfillment operators and managers in an ordering application:

Option 1
Type Name Description
Access role Ordering:FulfillmentOperator Grants Open access to the customer.
Access role Ordering:Manager Grants Open and Modify access to the customer.
Access group Ordering:FulfillmentOperators References the Ordering:FulfillmentOperator access role, granting only Open access to customer objects.
Access group Ordering:Managers References the Ordering:Manager access role, granting only Open and Modify access to customer objects


Option 2
Type Name Description
Access role Ordering:FulfillmentOperator
Grants Open access to the customer.
Access role Ordering:Manager
Grants Modify access to the customer.
Access group Ordering:FulfillmentOperators
References the Ordering:FulfillmentOperator access role, granting only Open access to customer objects.
Access group Ordering:Managers References both the Ordering:FulfillmentOperator and Ordering:Manager access roles, granting Open (from Ordering:FulfillmentOperator) and Modify (from Ordering:Manager) access to customer objects.


Option 3
Type Name Description
Access role Ordering:FulfillmentOperator Grants Open access to the customer.
Access role Ordering:Manager
Grants Modify access to the customer and specifies Ordering:FulfillmentOperator as a dependent role.
Access group Ordering:FulfillmentOperators
References the Ordering:FulfillmentOperator access role, granting only Open access to customer objects.
Access group Ordering:Managers
References both the Ordering:FulfillmentOperator and Ordering:Manager access roles, granting Open (from Ordering:FulfillmentOperator) and Modify (from Ordering:Manager) access to customer objects.

To decide which option to choose, the LSA needs to answer the question whether the access control needs of the manager are nearly always based on (or are a superset of) the needs of the fulfillment operator:

  • With option 1, the access control needs of each persona (user role) can evolve independently of each other, which causes some maintainability overhead because some access control settings are duplicated across each access role.
  • With option 2, the access control needs of the manager must always be a superset of the fulfillment operator needs because a grant from the FulfillmentOperator access role (without more advanced RBAC configuration) is enough to grant access to the Managers access group, even if the Manager access role denies access.
  • With option 3, the access control needs of the manager can be predominantly based on the FulfillmentOperator access role, while allowing the Manager access role to both introduce manager-specific settings as well as override settings that the dependent FulfillmentOperator access role specifies.

Solution: Option 3 typically generates the intended authorization design with the fewest AROs and the lowest likelihood of duplication. This option promotes a maintainable and understandable solution and has the flexibility to adapt as you add more journeys that inevitably invalidate some of the authorization decisions in earlier application versions.

Note: The use of Access Deny rules or the Stop access checking once a relevant Access of Role to Object instance explicitly denies, or grants access option for an access group can help option 2 achieve the same outcome as option 3. However, this approach adds more rules and complexity to the design.

Applications that you create in the New Application wizard have three foundation access roles:

  • <ApplicationName>:User
  • <ApplicationName>:Manager
  • <ApplicationName>:Administrator
Note: The system creates other access roles for RBAC to use with Pega API and App Studio but they do not apply to the concepts in this module.

With the introduction of dependent roles, the best practice is to create application-specific access roles that specify the foundation access roles as dependencies.

The naming convention for access roles is <ApplicationName>:<RoleName> where RoleName has the singular form.

To create new application-specific roles, use the Roles for Access landing page (Dev Studio > Configure > Org & Security > Tools > Security > Role Names).

Note: The capability to clone the AROs from an existing access role to another is available on the Access Roles landing page. This functionality is typically useful for backward compatibility only with Pega Platform RBAC features from earlier versions that precede the availability of dependent roles.

Access roles that you create in later versions of Pega Platform typically use dependent roles as a preference over cloning.

Access of Role to Object design considerations

Use an Access of Role to Object (ARO) to grant access permissions to objects (instances) of a given class and named privileges to a role. You can grant access permissions and named privileges up to a specific production level between 1 through 5 (1 - Experimental, 2 - Development, 3 - QA, 4 - Staging, and 5 - Production) or conditionally with Access When rules. The following figure summarizes the usage of Access When rules in AROs and privileges to grant access to the rules:

ARO Design

When you plan a set of AROs for an access role name, consider the following aspects:

  • Does the access role to which the AROs apply inherit authorization from dependent roles? If yes, you can limit the AROs for your access role to those AROs that alter the authorization outcomes otherwise derived from its dependent roles.
  • Does the access role use privilege inheritance? If not, you might need to respecify some privileges from superclass AROs in the subclass AROs in the same access role.
  • If you leave settings blank in an ARO, Pega Platform defers to superclass AROs and dependent roles to determine the authorization for that setting. This behavior is a legitimate, object-oriented approach to configuring authorization.

Access Deny design considerations

Use an Access Deny (RDO) rule to explicitly deny authorization before evaluating whether any corresponding AROs for the same class and access role might grant access to the same action.

Defining access roles that only contain Access Deny rules, sequencing these access roles earlier in the list on an access group, and activating the Stop access checking once a relevant Access of Role to Object instance explicitly denies or grants access option facilitates restricting authorization that is otherwise granted to the access group by access roles that are listed after that role on the access group. Roles that contain only Access Deny rules are Access-Deny-Only access roles.

Rule resolution does not apply to Access Deny rules. Your system can contain at most one Access Deny rule for each Applies To class and role name combination. Class inheritance does not apply. You create an Access Deny rule for each class that is affected.

Note: You cannot configure Access Deny rules to deny a privilege that AROs otherwise grant in any of the access roles in the access group.

A typical use case for RDO rules is when a persona (user role) requirement emerges whose authorization is very close to (but a subset of) an existing persona (user role). For example, in the Ordering application with an existing manager persona that uses the Ordering:Manager access role, the need for an associate manager persona (user role) arises, where the only difference in authorization is the value of orders that they can open. An implementation approach for this scenario through Access Deny rules might include the following steps:

  1. Create an Access-Deny-only access role named Ordering:AssociateManagerDeny.
  2. Create an Access When rule on the Order class that compares the order value to the threshold the business rule requires.
  3. Create an Access Deny rule for the new access role on the Order class, applying to the new Access When rule as the Read Instance setting.
  4. Create the Ordering:AssociateManagers access group, adding the following access roles:
    • Ordering:AssociateManagerDeny that denies Open Order access according to the business rule.
    • Ordering:Manager that grants the same authorization that existing managers have.
  5. For the Ordering:AssociateManagers access group, select the Stop access checking once a relevant Access of Role to Object instance explicitly denies or grants access setting.
Note: You can implement this scenario by using dependent roles. Think about how a dependent roles design can achieve the same outcome. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Can you use this functionality to address the Access Deny rule’s inability to deny privileges?

Access group design considerations

An access group is associated with a user through the Operator ID record. The access group determines the access roles that the users in the access group hold, the aggregate of which are the actions that those users can perform. The naming convention for access groups is <ApplicationName>:<GroupsName> where GroupsName is in plural form, for example, Customers.

Having an access role that is dedicated to a particular capability might be useful when multiple personas (user roles) perform a similar responsibility in addition to their distinct primary responsibilities. For example, the user roles in an HR application are Employee, HR generalist, HR manager, and Executive. Both HR managers and executives can update delegated rules. In this case, you create an additional access role <ApplicationName>:DelegatedRulesAdmin. You can then add this access role to the access groups for both HR managers and executives so that they can update delegated rules in addition to their respective primary responsibilities.

Note: Pega Platform delivers some fine-grained access roles to grant specific privilege-based capabilities to particular access groups. Examples include PegaRULES:BasicSecurityAdministrator and PegaRULES:AgileWorkbench.

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