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Collaboration tools

By using the collaboration tools in Pega Platform™, you can complete any Microjourney® faster and more efficiently:

  • Post messages to specific individuals or a team using Pulse.
  • Unify a single digital community using Spaces.
  • Collaborate on and share artifacts using Documents.

You can access Pulse, Spaces, and Documents from App Studio and Dev Studio. You can also incorporate them directly into a Pega Platform application.

Use these three collaboration tools to create and foster an active sense of community among the developers and application users.


Pulse is the out-of-the-box messaging system for Pega Platform. It enables users to efficiently share information by posting, viewing, and replying to messages. For example, a Customer Service Representative can post a single Pulse message to update every case participant about the payment status of an automobile policy claim. Application developers can discuss enhancements to an application based on a user story posted in Agile Workbench.

Depending on the role of an individual, users can access messages in Pulse in several ways.

Accessing Pulse

Users and developers each have their own means to access Pulse:

  • Application developers click the Toggle developer collaboration icon in the upper-right of the App Studio header to open the Developer collaboration pane.
  • Application users access Pulse messages through any portal or mobile channel interface by adding a Pulse widget to the Navigation bar.  Additionally, in any portal, users can incorporate Pulse messaging into the main work area of a case.

In the center of the following image, slide the vertical line to view the highlighted locations of the Toggle developer application icon in App Studio and the Pulse widget in the User portal Navigation bar:

Using any of these methods to access Pulse opens the Pulse activity feed, where Pulse displays messages.

Posting messages in Pulse

You can post Pulse messages to specific users, members of a team, or the stakeholders of a case or application.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about posting a Pulse message:

Replying to messages in Pulse

You can reply to a Pulse message with or without a written comment.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about replying to a Pulse message:

Tagging Pulse messages

Tags are descriptive words or phrases that users can associate with a Pulse message. Users can categorize or relate Pulse messages to one another using tags. Users can easily find related information that they need to resolve a case.  For example, if Pulse comments that are related to a product innovation are tagged with an innovation ID tag, everyone working on that innovation can easily access information on recent developments.

Add a tag to a message by typing the # symbol. You can then create your own tag by typing a word, or you can access recently used tags from a list. After you add the tag to a message, it functions as a link. Click it to access other cases and Pulse messages with the same tag. 

Receiving email notification of a Pulse message

Users can choose to receive email notifications when one or more of the following events occurs in relation to their Pulse messages:

  • Someone references a user, or one of their teams using the @ symbol in a Pulse message.
  • Someone sends a message, and another user likes it.
  • Someone posts a comment in a Pulse conversation in which they participated.
  • Someone posts a Pulse message to a case that they follow.

Users can respond to Pulse messages directly from these email notifications without logging into Pega Platform or the application. Pulse displays a response sent by email as a comment to the top message in the string of related Pulse messages.

As a result of these email notifications, users can respond to messages in a timely manner, improving the speed of case resolution.

Note: For more information about using Pulse, see Collaborating with users by using Pulse. To access more advanced Pulse topics, such as ensuring that users see only relevant posts by updating the application to specify the feed source of Pulse messages, see Preparing for collaboration with users by using Pulse.


Spaces offer a digital format for gathering users that have a single, common interest. For example, if you are a Hiring Manager that seeks to add a new member to the Marketing team, you can create a Marketing Hire space that includes the Marketing manager, the SVP of Marketing, and the Director of Marketing to discuss potential candidates.

Users access spaces from a landing page that can be added to any portal or mobile app channel interface. Users control the spaces they see in the landing page. Users can choose to see all public spaces associated with an application, only the private spaces of which they are a member, and the messages from promoted spaces. Users can also use a filter to see only the spaces that they have created.

Note: Spaces are currently available in Theme Cosmos applications. 

Creating a Space

You create a space from the Spaces landing page, which you launch from the Navigation pane in a user portal or mobile app.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about creating a space:

Note: The user that creates a space is considered the owner of that space. The owner of a space is responsible for moderating the discussions and content in the space. The owner should remove irrelevant or inappropriate messages, attachments, and pins.

Working in a Space

Members can use Spaces to collaborate in a number of ways.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about navigating a Space:

Receiving notifications of activity in a space

Members of a space use a notification system to choose how often they receive notifications about the messages posted in the spaces to which they belong. Members can receive notifications immediately or in the form of a daily or weekly digest. Members can subscribe to notifications for a variety of events, such as:

  • Replies to user posts
  • Direct mentions of the user or user's team in the activity feed of the space
Note: For more information about using Spaces, see Collaboration with users by using Spaces.


Create and attach Documents in an application or case type to ensure application users can access the information they need to complete their work. Documents increase productivity and facilitate faster microjourney resolution by reducing the need to context switch and search for relevant information outside the application or case.

Note: Documents are currently available in Theme Cosmos applications.

Users can create a document in several ways:

  • Use the built-in rich text editor
  • Attach files from a local repository
  • Attach files from remote repositories
  • Add external URLs

Documents are generally created in the context of the application. Documents created in the application context are not limited to a specific case, space, or Pulse conversation. Every application user can reference application documents in their cases or Pulse conversations. However, permission can be assigned to a role to determine which users have access to a document's content.

In addition to creating and referencing documents, users have the ability download documents, generate a link to share a document with other application users, and add additional attachments to a document.

Creating and managing documents

Users create and access documents associated with an application from the Documents landing page, which can be added to a User Portal or Mobile app during application development.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about creating a Document in the context of an application:

Users can create documents in two alternative locations within an application depending on the audience for the document:

  • To associate documents with a specific case, create the document in the Utility pane located on the right side of the case work area.
  • To associate documents with a specific space, create the document in that space

The system can automatically create case documents as part of the case life cycle using the Generate documents automation step.

Note: For more information about generating documents at runtime, see Generating case documents.

Sharing a document

After a document is created, users have the ability to share the document by attaching it to a case, referencing it in a Pulse message, or by attaching it to a space.

For example, a customer service representative (CSR) creates the initial case for an auto claim, adding photos of the damage and the accident report as a document in the Utility pane of the case. The claims adjuster who receives the case assignment is able to access the document directly in the case, reducing the time it takes to resolve the claim. The claims adjuster can then share that document with their manager using a Pulse message or by pinning it to a space the claims adjuster team uses for collaboration.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the actions users can take to share a document:

Note: For more information about using Documents, see Collaborating on shared content by using Documents.

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