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Configuring customer verification for a service case


Often, the business determines that additional verification should occur before certain types of service cases are run by a customer service agent. For example, before issuing a new credit card that has been lost or stolen, you want to make sure the person in the chat or on the phone is who they say they are. Pega Customer Service lets you create a set of verification questions that an agent should ask to a customer to confirm their identity.

As the customer service manager, you create questions based on the attributes of customers and then assign each question points. These points determine which questions are asked of a customer and whether the customer is verified. You assign higher values to the questions most critical in determining identity. You also define which service cases require verification and the score threshold required to pass verification. For example, the Report Lost or Stolen Card service case might require a score threshold of 40.  This would mean the questions a customer answers correctly would have to at least equal 40 to continue with that service case. If a customer does not reach the threshold, the agent sees a message that instructs them to tell the customer they did not successfully pass the additional verification.



The Customer verification feature provides a pool of security questions that a customer service agent can use to verify customer identity.

As a Customer Service Manager, you are tasked with adding a question to verify the customer’s social security number. You also add the Lost or Stolen card service case for verification.

Log in as the Customer Service Manager.

Enable App Studio, then select Tools > Customer verification.

The General settings determine how many questions the agent sees when verifying customer identity. You can set a maximum and a minimum number of questions to display. These settings, along with the question scores, determine the total score and number of questions required to pass verification.

The verification fields include a pool of security questions from different data sources, such as account, contact, and so on.

After you select the source, you can view a list of the fields available within that source.

The Apply To setting determines when an agent receives a prompt to ask the question.

The first setting is Interaction. Use this setting to make the question available at the start of an interaction.

Use Service case to make the question available at the start of a Service case. This setting applies to service cases shown in the Verification scores section.

Use Interaction and Service case to make the question available at the start of an interaction and at the start of a service case.  

Each question is assigned a score — a higher score indicates a higher priority.

In this scenario, the Customer Service Manager adds a question to verify the customer’s social security number.

You select Account as the source and Social Security Number as the field.

Set the question to apply to Interactions and Service cases, then set the score to 20.

When the customer responds with the correct Social Security Number, their verification score increases by 20 points.

The Verification scores section lists the service cases that require verification.

Each service case has a Score threshold assigned — the minimum number of points required for validation.

In the General settings, if you select Yes for Ask verification questions at the start of the interaction?, then the Verification scores section displays a setting named Score threshold to begin an interaction. You set this to a minimum score for interactions.

In this scenario, the Customer Service Manager applies customer verification to the Report a lost or stolen card service case.

You add the service case.

Set the score threshold to 40, which means that the total score of the customer responses must equal 40 or greater before the agent can proceed with this service case.

In this example, the highest score question is worth 20 points. This setting means that the customer must respond correctly to at least three questions to reach the score threshold of 40 points and pass verification.

To confirm that the customer verification works as configured, the Customer Service Manager runs an interaction.

In the Customer Service application, you start a customer interaction with Sara Connor.

Run the Lost or stolen card service case.

Confirm that the verification questions are displayed to the customer service agent The Social Security Number (the question with the highest score) is displayed first. The verification must reach the minimum score (which is 40 for the Report a lost or stolen card service case) before the agent can continue with the service case.

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