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Process AI predictions


With the decision management capability of Pega Platform™, you can enhance applications to help optimize business processes, predict customer behavior, analyze natural language, and make informed decisions to better meet the needs of customers and achieve positive business outcomes.



This video introduces you to Pega AI, a feature of the decision management capability of Pega Platform.

Other decisioning features of Pega Platform include:

  • Decision strategies that feature a business- and user-friendly canvas with which you can create decision logic that uses behavioral and operational data to improve intelligent processes.
  • Event strategies to detect patterns in data streams and react to them.
  • Data flows as scalable and resilient data pipelines to ingest, process, and move data from one or more sources to one or more destinations.

Decision management uses Pega AI to make predictions about the possibility of fraud, successful case completion, and other subjects to make decisions more relevant.

Decision management capability

Decision management is a Pega Platform capability. You can apply decision management to any application that is built on Pega Platform.

Various and versatile predictions are available, but one or more predictive models drive them all.

For example, a data scientist can create a predictive model in Pega Platform or an external environment that can export the model as a PMML or H2O file back to Pega Platform. Another option is to connect to a machine learning service such as Google ML or AWS SageMaker.

external AI engines

If an insurance company wants to use Pega Process AI™ to route incoming claims that might be fraudulent to an expert, based on the outcome of a predictive model, the data scientist creates a fraud model to drive a new case management prediction in Prediction Studio.


Prediction Studio is the dedicated workspace where you manage the life cycle of predictive models and the predictions that they drive.

The workspace provides data scientists with everything they need to author, deploy, govern, monitor, and change predictions. Prediction Studio has five work areas: Predictions, Models, Data, Reports, and Settings.

side panel

On the Predictions landing page, you create and manage predictions. There are three types of predictions, but Process AI focuses on the Case management prediction.

create a prediction window


Case management predictions are used in case types to support decisions in business processes. For example, predictive models can help to predict whether an insurance claim is fraudulent or distinguish regular from complex claims.

This dependence routes cases more accurately and strengthens the separation of concerns.

The decision step in a case type uses case management predictions.

Insurance application

Consider the following case type, which handles incoming car insurance claims:

Case type

An application developer can use the outcome of the prediction in the condition of a decision step instead of a business rule. Based on the condition, the system routes a case to a fraud expert when the prediction flags the claim as abnormal.

conditions window

Pega Process AI can also help to distinguish regular from complex claims. It helps speed up the process by identifying such cases early and routing them to the right person.

new claim window

In the following case, the data scientists create a prediction that aims to identify cases that are likely to miss their deadlines. Then, an application developer uses the prediction outcome when configuring the case type so that the system can automatically route a complex case to a senior employee for evaluation.

claim process

Some additional helpful information widgets are available in the case view. Notice the prediction widget in the claims case. The widget conveniently displays the output of the trained prediction models, in this case, fraud or missing service-level agreement (SLA) probability. By clicking Learn more, you can see the details of the model and whether it received training with adequate data (in this example, the probability of case completion).

prediction widget

The widget also displays which predictors contribute positively (increasing the predicted value), and which contribute negatively, (decreasing the predicted value).

prediction widget learn more

You have reached the end of this video. You have learned:

  • How Pega AI allows you to improve business processes by using predictions.
  • How predictive models drive predictions.
  • How to create and manage predictions in Prediction Studio.
  • How to use predictions in a case type to improve business processes.


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