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Savable data pages

Savable data pages and the Save data page automation

You can use savable data pages to save a page or page list of data specified in a data page back to its system of record (SOR) regardless of whether the SOR is Pega Platform™ or another system like an external database. By using a Save data page automation in the case life cycle, the savable data page can make real-time updates to the SOR within the same transaction that Pega Platform uses to make its updates. The automation ensures that both systems remain synchronized even if an error, such as a network outage, was to occur.

For example, a company named TGB uses an external database as an SOR to hold Human Resources (HR) data, including a database table that stores data about employee office and seating locations. During employee onboarding, an HR representative assigns employees an office location and seat based on which seats are available. Once the HR representative submits the office and seating assignment, the case reaches a Save data page automation. The Save data page automation saves the employee ID, selected seat, and office back to the SOR using the savable data page specified on the automation. You use one data page to load data from the system of record and another data page to save data to the system of record.

Savable data page and save data page step

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Transaction handling

By using savable data pages, you enable data to be written to the SOR using Pega Platform's built-in transaction handling. 

Consider an example that does not use transaction handling. You purchase an item online and pay using your credit card. The bank processes your credit card payment, but due to a network issue, the online store never receives notification about your payment. With transaction handling, the payment and payment notification are performed in the same transaction. If part of the transaction fails, the changes to both systems roll back to the state before the update to either system was attempted. Your credit card is not charged, and your order is not processed.

Data save plan

The data save plan for a savable data page details how and when saves are performed. You specify the data save plan in the Data save options section of the savable data page. You can specify multiple save options, where each save option is associated with a when rule that determines when that save option is used. The data save options include: Database save, Activity, Connector, Robotic automation, and Robotic desktop automation.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the data save options.

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