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Voice AI for Pega Customer Service


This demonstration shows a live call with customer Mathew and CSR Sabrina. Mathew is inquiring about how to add his son to his health plan. Voice AI listens to the call, and then assists the CSR in processing the case. We pause the demonstration in several places to summarize events.


Script adherence

The CSR verifies Matthew's identity by confirming his first and last name to comply with HIPPA regulations.

The icon turns from red to green to provide visual feedback that Voice AI heard what the CSR said and confirmed that they followed the script.

From the conversation, Voice AI detects the customer's name. To the right of the script entry, you can see a Voice AI icon that has a red icon on top. The red icon shows a count, currently 1. The count went from 0 to 1 because Voice AI detected the customer's first name as an entity.

The CSR can click the red icon to see the entities that Voice AI has extracted.

Case suggestion

Voice AI detects keywords from the customer conversation and displays suggestions in the Intelligent guidance section.

The customer mentions his "new baby," and then Voice AI suggests the Add child dependent case. It also suggests a knowledge article, which the CSR will use later.

The customer also said he wants to review his MRI claim. Voice AI detects the "claim" keyword and then suggests the Claims inquiry case.

Form autofill

The CSR clicks the Claims inquiry link and then starts to process the case.

The CSR then follows the script by asking, "Can you tell me the date, doctor, or type of service?"

From the customer's reply, Voice AI detects and autofills the Service date and Facility form fields.

The system autofills only blank form fields. VoiceAI does not overwrite existing data.

The CSR validates autofilled values by clicking the green checkmarks.

The Voice AI entity count increases from 1 to 3 in the upper right corner. The CSR can click this counter to view entities that Voice AI detected during the call.

Script adherence

The red exclamation icon indicates the script that the CSR should read. After the CSR asks the question, Voice AI displays the green check mark icon.

Form autofill

The CSR asks the customer for his son's first name. Voice AI detects the answer and then adds "John" to the First name field.

The CSR can click the green check mark to accept autofilled fields or click the red X to delete the entry and set a new value.

The Birth date field was already filled with a date from earlier in the conversation. The CSR deletes the entry, and then Voice AI adds the new date from the customer's reply.

Voice AI increments the entity counter from 4 to 6, as it detected a name (First name) and date (Birth date).

Knowledge suggestion

Earlier in the conversation, Voice AI searched Pega Knowledge for articles related to Adding a dependent child, and then displayed a link in the Intelligent guidance section.

The customer now asks when coverage for their newborn starts. The CSR opens the suggested article, finds the answer, and then responds to the customer's question.


The suggested case Find providers is shown in the Intelligent guidance section. This suggested case comes from the Next-Best-Action feature, not from Voice AI. The customer did not ask about providers, but often, the customer is looking for a provider when adding a dependent child. This shows how Voice AI works seamlessly with features in Pega Customer Service.

Entity list

Voice AI detects entities that the customer speaks and tracks them in the entity list. When a new form loads, for example, when the CSR launches a case, Voice AI looks for form fields that have been configured to work with Form Autofill, checks the entity list for matching entities, and then fills the field.


Using a simulated live call, this demonstration showed how Voice AI helps CSRs provide quick, efficient, and consistent service for customers.

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