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Exporting content

Export all or only select content in the Pega Knowledge portal to a CSV file. When exporting content, you can also select specific properties to export.

  1. In the navigation pane of Pega Knowledge, click Knowledge > Content.
  2. Access the content:
    • To select content by all authors, click All content
    • To select your authored content, click My content.
  3. Select all articles or select specific articles to export:
  • To select all articles, in the header row, in the Name column, select the checkbox
  • To select specific articles, select the checkbox of the article name.
  1. Click Actions > Export.
  2. To export all the properties shown, in the Export content dialog box, click Select all.
    By default, the system selects all properties.
  3. Optional: Clear the checkbox for the property or properties that you do not want to export.
    Note: The Tags, Categories, Attached links, and Referenced articles properties are not selected by default because of potential performance issues that can occur when you export many articles.
  1. Click Submit.

The CSV file is now ready for you to download.

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