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OOTB design templates

All out-of-the-box design templates follow specific naming conventions to convey their purpose and usage easily.

These design templates belong to different categories:

  • Layout: Generic column layout templates
  • Page: Used to organize sections on a page
  • Header: Used to arrange metadata for the current item in the form of a page or section header
  • Card: Used to arrange data for a single atomic item
  • List item: Used to arrange data for items in a repeating list

Layout templates

The following templates that provide generic layout functionality are available by default:

  • 1, 2, 3, and 4 Column
  • 1, 2, 3, and 4 Column with Inline wrapping
  • Inline wrapping
  • 1 column with 100% width content
There are also CSS helper classes available to achieve layouts with more than four columns:
  • flex-col-5
  • flex-col-6
  • flex-col-8
  • flex-col-12
layout otb templates
Hinweis: The 1 Column design template is the default template when creating any section or view; it is the recommended template for form fields that are stacked. To avoid rendering very long input fields that stretch to the full width of the container, the 1 Column design template uses a helper class called content-items-maxwidth on the dynamic layout. The helper class sets the maximum width of all the fields to 640px. If you want to use the full width, you need to use the 1 column with 100% width content template.

Page template

Page layout is very useful to define how the different widgets and utilities will be aligned on a page.

If your application is based on UI-Kit, the main page template for a case type is called Page with secondary column.

page with secondary column

The template contains two regions for the main area and the secondary column where the utilities are as shown:

Page with secondary content column

There are also three mobile page templates that provide specific functionality to keep the header sticky on scroll, as well as support for a back button in the header to navigate to the previous page.

mobile design templates

If your application is based on Theme-Cosmos, the four following page templates are available.

Cosmos page templates


Hinweis: The case page design templates are only available at Work- level and will only apply to case types. As such, it is possible to filter and limit the usage of some design templates to a certain class and functionality.

Header templates

A page is usually composed of two regions:

  • Header
  • Main content

It is important for the header of the page to use the <h1> tag for accessibility and is consistent throughout the application.

The following header templates are available for UI-Kit based applications.

header template for desktop in ui-kit

The following image is the section used in UI-Kit to render the assignment header for a case. The design template already includes the assigned operator icon.

Case header for assignment in ui-kit

The following image shows how this section is rendered at runtime.

case header assignment at runtime

In Theme-Cosmos, the following header templates are available.

header template for Cosmos

Card templates

The following templates are available for cards:

  • Card with image
  • Card for empty state
  • Card with image and metadata
Card templates

The following image shows how these templates look at runtime.

Card templates at runtime

List items templates

The following templates are available for list items:

  • List item with breadcrumbs, image, metadata, and actions
  • List item with image and status
  • List item with image, metadata, and actions
  • List item with title, primary, and secondary data
list item design templates

The following image shows an example that uses these design templates at runtime.

design template for list items - examples


Case Details template

The case details are the set of information about a case.

case details in Cosmos

To render these details, two templates are used:

  • The Case information UI template is used to create three regions, one region at the top that extends to 100% width for critical regions and two other regions side by side (A and B).
  • The Read-only single column template uses a stacked with label left dynamic layout format and renders the properties of a case as a set of field values stacked with each label on the left of the value.
Case details templates for cosmos

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